New Members
- class ShapeObject(config=None, strict=None, initialize=None)[source]
The base class for intersections of rays with surfaces in XICSRT.
This base class should be used to define intersections with various shapes such as planes, spheres and toroids.
Configuration Options:
- xsize
The size of this element along the xaxis direction. Typically corresponds to the ‘width’ of the optic.
- ysize
The size of this element along the yaxis direction. Typically corresponds to the ‘height’ of the optic.
- zsize
The size of this element along the zaxis direction. Typically not required, but if needed will correspond to the ‘depth’ of the optic.
- pixel_sizefloat (None)
The pixel size, used for binning rays into images. This is currently a single number signifying square pixels.
- aperturedict or array (None)
Define one or more apertures to to apply to this optic. Each aperture is defined as a dictionary with the following keys: shape, size, origin, logic. The origin and logic field keys are optional. The interpretation of size will depend on the provided shape.
- trace_localbool (False)
If true: transform rays to optic local coordinates before raytracing, do raytracing in local coordinates, then transform back to global coordinates. The default is ‘false’ as most built-in optics can perform raytracing in global coordinates. This option is convenient for optics with complex geometry for which intersection and reflection equations are easier or more clear to program in fixed local coordinates.
- check_sizebool (true)
Perform a check for whether the rays intersect the optic within the defined bounds (usually defined by ‘xsize’ and ‘ysize’). If set to False all rays with a defined reflection/transmission condition will be traced if an intersection can be determined.
- check_aperturebool (true)
Perform a check for whether the rays intersect the optic within the defined bounds (usually defined by ‘xsize’ an ‘ysize’). If set to False all rays with a defined reflection/transmission condition will be traced if an intersection can be determined.
- filters
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- origin
The x,y,x origin of this element in global coordinates.
- zaxis
A unit-vector defining the z-axis of the element in global coordinates. For most optics: z-axis defines the surface normal direction.
- xaxis(optional)
A unit-vector defining the x-axis of the element in global coordinates. For most optics: x-axis defines the ‘width’ direction. If xaxis is not provided it will be automatically generated by: cross(zaxis, [0,1,0]). The yaxis is always automatically generated and defined by: cross(zaxis, xaxis)
- class_name
Automatically generated.
- yo_mama
Is a wonderful person!
- intersect(rays)[source]
Calculate the location and normal of the surface at the ray intersections.
Specific shape objects can reimplement this method, or alternatively reimplement the
methods.Programming Notes
Currently the expectation is that intersect has made copies of ray[‘origin’] and ray[‘mask’] before any calculations. This is done for two reasons: 1. provide more information for the interactions. 2. it is much easier to read and understand the code this way. From a memory efficiency standpoint it would be better to modify these arrays in place instead.
- intersect_location(rays)[source]
Calculate the surface location at the ray intersections.
This base-class just returns a copy of the ray origin.
New Private Members
- class ShapeObject[source]
Inherited Members
- class ShapeObject[source]
- __init__(config=None, strict=None, initialize=None)
- aim_to_point(aim_point, xaxis=None)
Set the Z-Axis to aim at a particular point.
- check_aperture(X_local, mask)
Check if the ray intersection is within the aperture as set by the ‘aperture’ config option.
This method expects to be given the ray intersections in local coordinates. Generally this method should not be called directly instead use check_bounds.
- check_bounds(X, mask)
- check_config()
Check the config before copying to the internal param. This is called during object instantiation (__init__) and therefore before setup is called.
- check_param()
Check the internal parameters prior to initialization. This will be called after setup and before initialize.
- check_size(X_local, mask)
Check if the ray intersection is within the optic bounds as set by the xsize, ysize and zsize config options.
This method expects to be given the ray intersections in local coordinates. Generally this method should not be called directly, instead use check_bounds.
- default_config()
- xsize
The size of this element along the xaxis direction. Typically corresponds to the ‘width’ of the optic.
- ysize
The size of this element along the yaxis direction. Typically corresponds to the ‘height’ of the optic.
- zsize
The size of this element along the zaxis direction. Typically not required, but if needed will correspond to the ‘depth’ of the optic.
- pixel_size: float (None)
The pixel size, used for binning rays into images. This is currently a single number signifying square pixels.
- aperture: dict or array (None)
Define one or more apertures to to apply to this optic. Each aperture is defined as a dictionary with the following keys: shape, size, origin, logic. The origin and logic field keys are optional. The interpretation of size will depend on the provided shape.
- trace_local: bool (False)
If true: transform rays to optic local coordinates before raytracing, do raytracing in local coordinates, then transform back to global coordinates.
The default is ‘false’ as most built-in optics can perform raytracing in global coordinates. This option is convenient for optics with complex geometry for which intersection and reflection equations are easier or more clear to program in fixed local coordinates.
- check_size: bool (true)
Perform a check for whether the rays intersect the optic within the defined bounds (usually defined by ‘xsize’ and ‘ysize’). If set to False all rays with a defined reflection/transmission condition will be traced if an intersection can be determined.
- check_aperture: bool (true)
Perform a check for whether the rays intersect the optic within the defined bounds (usually defined by ‘xsize’ an ‘ysize’). If set to False all rays with a defined reflection/transmission condition will be traced if an intersection can be determined.
- filters
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- get_config()
- get_default_xaxis(zaxis)
Get the X-axis using a default definition.
In order to fully define the orientation of a component both, a z-axis and an x-axis are expected. For certain types of components the x-axis definition is unimportant and can be defined using a default definition.
- initialize()
Initialize the object.
- interact(rays, xloc, norm, mask)
- intersect(rays)[source]
Calculate the location and normal of the surface at the ray intersections.
Specific shape objects can reimplement this method, or alternatively reimplement the
methods.Programming Notes
Currently the expectation is that intersect has made copies of ray[‘origin’] and ray[‘mask’] before any calculations. This is done for two reasons: 1. provide more information for the interactions. 2. it is much easier to read and understand the code this way. From a memory efficiency standpoint it would be better to modify these arrays in place instead.
- intersect_location(rays)[source]
Calculate the surface location at the ray intersections.
This base-class just returns a copy of the ray origin.
- intersect_normal(xloc, mask)[source]
Calculate the surface normal at the ray intersection locations.
Normals are not defined for this base-class; an array of np.nan will always be returned.
- location_from_distance(rays, dist, mask=None)[source]
Calculate 3D locations given a distance along the rays.
- make_image(rays)
Collect the rays that intersect with this optic into a pixel array that can be used to generate an intersection image.
Programming Notes
It is important that this calculation is compatible with intersect_check in terms of floating point errors. The simple way to achieve this is to ensure that both use the same calculation method.
- point_to_external(point_local)
- point_to_local(point_external)
- ray_to_external(ray_local, copy=False)
- ray_to_local(ray_external, copy=False)
- set_orientation(zaxis, xaxis=None)
- setup()
Perform any setup actions that are needed prior to initialization.
- to_ndarray(vector_in)
- to_vector_array(vector_in)
Convert a vector to a numpy vector array (if needed).
- trace(rays)
The main method that performs raytracing for this optic.
Raytracing here may be done in global or local coordinates depending on the how the optic is designed and the value of the configuration option: ‘trace_local’.
- trace_global(rays)
This is method that is called by the dispacher to perform ray-tracing for this optic. Rays into and out of this method are always in global coordinates.
It may be convenient for some optics object to do raytracing in local coordinates rather than in global coordinates. This method facilitates this by implementing the ‘trace_local’ configuration option.
- update_config(config_new, **kwargs)
Overwrite any config values in this object with the ones given. This will be done recursively for all nested dictionaries.
- vector_to_external(vector)
- vector_to_local(vector)