List of Todo ItemsΒΆ

A list of needed improvements for XICSRT.

Please also see the open issues on the bitbucket git repository.


InteractMosaicCrystal efficiency could be improved by including a pre-filter. The pre-filter would use a step-function rocking curve to exclude rays that are outside the likely range of reflection with the current mosaic spread.

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XicsrtOpticMesh: Improve the pre-selection (mesh refinement algorithm) to eliminate ray losses. The current method is as follows:

  1. Calculate intersection with coarse grid.
  2. Find the point on the fine grid closest to the intersection.
  3. Test all faces on the fine grid that contain this point.

The problem is that the closest point may not always be part of the face that actually has the intersection. This can happen if the fine and coarse grid have very different densities, but also even in the perfect case if the ray hits near the edge of a face and the grid density is not even in the x and y directions.

What is needed is a better selection of nearby faces. There is also a potential to improve computational speed slightly by testing fewer faces on the fine grid.

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  • The config docstrings should all be indented follow the help() standard.
  • Would it be helpful to show which inherited class the options came from?

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Replace vector_dist_isotropic_xy with a more efficent calculation. A possible approach is to calculate the 2D Joint Cumulative Distribution Function for isotropic emission on a flat plane.

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