Development Projects

A list of needed improvements for XICSRT can be found at List of Todo Items. Also see the open issues on the bitbucket git repository.

Programming Projects

Here are a list of projects for XICSRT improvements. These are particularly well suited for a undergraduate summer student, or anyone looking for a nice self-contained improvement project.

Time estimates are for someone who has experience running XICSRT, has a very strong python/numpy programming background, but who is not familiar with the XICSRT code base. Time estimates include time for testing and verification. I expect that it will take at least 2-3 times longer for most students or new contributors who will also be learning all the various python programming and numerical programming concepts!

Add a cylindrical reflector object

Time Estimate: 1 week
Create a cylindrical shape object named ShapeCylindrical. Object should be very similar to ShapeSphere but with cylindrical geometry. The object should be defined with a radius. Test against ShapePlane, ShapeToroidal.
added: 2021-01-24 by Novimir

Add a toroidal reflector object

In progress by S. Mishra
Time Estimate: 2 weeks
Create a toroidal shape named ShapeToroidal. Object should be very similar to ShapeSphere but with toroidal geometry. The object should be defined with a major and minor radius. Test against ShapePlane, ShapeSphere and ShapeCylindrical.
added: 2021-01-24 by Novimir

Add plotting routines for all aperture definitions

Time Estimate: 1 weeks
The 2d plotter knows how to plot a few aperture shapes but, not all shapes have been added. Thes addition shapes need to be added to the function _get_aperture_plotlist.
added: 2021-07-02 by Novimir

Improve algorithm for isotropic emission with x & y limits

Time Estimate: 2 weeks
An important vector distribution used in XICSRT is the isotropic distribution with separate x & y angular bounds (rectangular cone, pyramid). The function that implements this can be found in vector_dist_isotropic_xy, The current algorithm uses filtering from an emission cone with circular cross-section. This is accurate but highly inefficient, especially if the x & y spread are very different.

A more efficient algorithm is needed. This is almost certainly a solved problem so the first thing to do is to search the literature and look at other ray-tracing projects to find an existing example.

If an example cannot be found I see three possibilities for a solution:

  1. Calculate the Joint Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) on a plane of constant z. Use this to draw random points on the plane. A good (free) text on probability distributions can be found here:
  2. Pull points on a unit-sphere only within the boundary of the rectangular- cone intersection. I have no idea how to approach this other than falling back on solution 1.
  3. Continue using a filtering scheme, but start with a different boundary shape than a circle that is closer to the one needed for the rectangular cone.

It is important that the final algorithm is accurate to machine precision.

added: 2021-01-24 by Novimir

Improve mesh-grid pre-selection algorithm

Time Estimate: 2 weeks
Mesh-grid optics in XICS use a mesh-refinement alorithm that uses a course grid to pre-select faces to test on the full mesh. The current algorithm is lossy, and often tests more faces than are actually required.

The goal of this project is to improve the pre-selection algorithm to eliminate ray losses. This can likely be done while also improving performance and allowing coarser pre-selection grids.

The specific methods in ShapeMesh that need improvement is find_near_faces however to achive this change will also be needed in _mesh_precalc and mesh_intersect_2.

For a very course pre-selection grid and oblique incidence some ray loss will be expected even for this new algorithm.
Consider how the new algorithm will perform with grids in which the x & y point densities are very different. The current algorithm behaves especially poorly in terms of losses in those cases.
added: 2021-01-24 by Novimir

Develop a numba accelerated version of XICSRT

Time Estimate: 2 months
Performance of XICSRT can likely be dramatically improved by using the the numba package. Numba provides just-in-time compilation of python code and is highly integrated with numpy, making it well suited for inclusion in XICSRT.

Numba can often provide acceleration by just adding the @jit decorator. To really achieve acceleration, it is likely that some code changes are required. When available, use the @vectorize or @guvectorize decorators. Consider how this code will perform on multiple cpus or gpus. Consider the use of prange when approprate.

Development should be done in separate branch so as not to affect the master branch (though any code improvements that are not numba specific should still be made in the master branch).The new numba branch should contain a way to turn off numba, and care should be taken that the code still works seamlessly with numba turned off. Performance should be measured between the non-numba version, the numba version, and the numba version with numba turned off.

XICSRT is already highly vectorized and utilizes numpy array manipulations whenever possible. These operations are already very fast, and some are even optimized for multiple processors. For this reason it is unclear how much speed improvement is actually achievable with numba. During development of the numba branch please also look into optimizing the standard numpy code.
The main goals of XICSRT project are readability, easy development, cross-platform compatiblity, and pure python. Code changes that improve performance but make the code very complex should be avoided.
added: 2021-01-24 by Novimir

Make sure that RayDict is used everywhere

Time Estimate: < 1 week
In XICSRT the rays that we are tracing are always kept in a dictionary with some standard entries such as ‘origin’, ‘direction’, ‘mask’, etc.. This dictionary should always be an instance of the RayDict object. Right now this is inconsistent; in some places the RayDict is used, in others a regular dict is used instead. This project is to go through the code and make sure that RayDict is used everywhere.
Right now, 2020-02-01, the object is called RayArray. This should be renamed to something better and more understandable such as RayDict, RayObject, XicrtRays etc.
In general XICSRT should always treat RayDict as a regular dict. The reason for using RayDict is primarily for consistency, but also so that the RayDict object can eventually contain some convenience methods.
added: 2021-02-01 by Novimir

Better logging for xicsrt_multiprocessing

Time Estimate: 1 week
Currently When running a raytrace using xicsrt_multiprocessing.raytrace in a Jupyter notebook there is not useful progress information displayed. We need to figure out a way to provide at least some minimial information on the number of runs and interations completed that showup in the notebook while execution is ongoing.

Simply using the image suffix and a ‘run XX is complete’ would be enough here. Calculating a percentage or estimated time might be a bonus, but we need to be careful not to introduce overly complicated code.

Some logging information is displayed within the terminal session in which the Jupyter notebook is running, but not in the notebook webpage. This is of course not sufficient since many users will not be running Jupyter from a terminal, or that terminal session will be hidden.
added: 2021-02-04 by Novimir

Create an Aperture Optic

DONE!! (Thanks to Nathan Bartlett)

Time Estimate: 2 weeks
Create an object named XicsrtOpticAperature that can act as an aperture to filter rays. The shape of the aperture should be implemented as a configuration option. Most of the coding for this should actually be implemented into XicsrtOpticGeneric so that the code can also be used to control the size of optics. This aperture object should inherit from XicsrtOpticMesh, and will probably not have any differences except for the default config options.

The options need to support at least rectangular and circular aperture shapes and should be implemented in such a way that it is:

  1. Easy to add additional simple shapes in the base code.
  2. Easy for a user to extend to complex shapes by creating a subclass of the object.

The mechanism used for this object should also be applicable to set the size of optics objects. This brings up some additional considerations:

  1. Make sure that the aperture check is done as early as possible so that rays are excluded before any other calculations (such as reflection, Bragg check, etc). Of course the ray intersection needs to be calculated before the aperture check.
  2. Aperture needs to be compatible with mesh optics. Make sure to check how the aperture fits in with the code in XicsrtOpticMesh.
  3. Implement a way to deal with the pixel grid size used for image output. Currently this is based on a rectangular aperture.
  4. Consider the possibility that some future optics types may need both an entrance-aperture and an exit-aperture. This capability is not currently needed, but make the code easily extensible to this idea if needed.

Finally we need to consider how to deal with the size specification for the aperture and more generaly the optic size. Currently only a rectangular optic shape is supported and the shape is defined by the xsize, ysize and zsize config options. These names don’t make sense for a circular aperture. I have two ideas for how to handle this:

  1. Use a single size option that now becomes an array. The interpretation of this array will depend on on the shape specification. For example a rectangular aperture would interpret config[‘size’] = [0.1, 0.2] as as an xsize and ysize, while a circular aperture would interpret config[‘size’] = 0.1 as a radius.
  2. Introduce new -size options as needed for each aperture shape. So for a circular aperture introduce an rsize config option.

I tend to prefer option (a), but would like some feedback. Option (a) is good because there are no unused -size specifications floating around to cause confusion. We don’t need to check whether the right -size option is being specified by the user. However, option (a) means that size now has a variable length which is potentially confusing to the user and now requires some parsing code similar to xicsrt_spread.

added: 2021-01-29 by Novimir